
I am absolutely delighted to contribute to the education section of
your web-site, as your name never fails to appear on the list of poets that
the Ledbury schools wish to invite back.  Even though you have participated
for about seven of the eleven years that Ledbury Poetry Schools' programme
has been running, the schools know that they can expect something exciting,
fresh and new from your visit.  The children are enthused by your
enthusiasm, and inspired to produce some wonderful writing which often
exceeds their own expectation of themselves.  I can recall times when a
child has written something so personal and beautiful that you and I have
been reduced to tears.  You are also wonderful at introducing children to
some new form of poetry, and introducing it with a passion that inspires
both confidence and enthusiasm in the students, often producing some amazing
results.  As organiser for the Ledbury Poetry Schools' programme I would
like to thank you personally for your never failing support and reliability,
and for the invaluable help and advice that you have given me over the
years, especially with the organisation of mass school events when you have
effortlessly held a large audience of adults and children. I hope that your
wonderful enthusiastic and energetic unique personality continues to
flourish.  It is to the benefit of all students who are lucky enough to come
into contact with you.

Frances Bradley( schools' co- ordinator for Ledbury Poetry Festival)