Why a 'Quotes about Julie' section?
People often read websites of freelance artists because they would like to know more about them and their work. I thought a useful way to get to know me may be to include sections of quotes relating to my own work and what I do. I’m not sure if it will help you to really know me though - or if I’m the best placed person to tell you who I am.
Socrates’ well know quotation, Know thyself, was written on our loo wall and Anais Nin’s quote, We don’t see things as they are, we see things as we are, was written there too. Another quote that graced the wall was one often associated with Charles Horton Cooley, Each to each a looking glass, reflects the other that doth pass.
Who we are, how we see ourselves,how others perceive us and our relationship to the world may change over time of course, nothing is set in stone. In the words of Tennyson's Ulysses... all experience is an arch wherethrough gleams that untravel'd world whose margin fades forever and forever when I move. It’s all rather confusing, but I hope from what I write and from what others write here - things will become clearer… or perhaps not… perhaps, as John Clare wrote, I am, and live—like vapors tossed…
What are the quotes sections so far?
Quotes and comments entered here are not edited by us; all quotes sent for the purpose of entry onto this site are written exactly as sent to us by their authors. Please be aware of the sensiblilites of others and do not use Language that may cause offence. If you have a quote for one of the walls or a comment to make, please email it to julie@julieboden.co.uk. from where it will be forwarded to this site.